Newbattle Drop-in health and wellbeing drop-in will now be run every Monday from 18th June onwards at
Newbattle Community High School
The address is:
The Nurture Room, Newbattle Community High School, Newbattle Way, Easthouses, Dalkeith EH22 4SX
The drop-in times are still 3.30pm-5.30pm – EVERY MONDAY (even in holiday time)
The drop-in exists to provide health and wellbeing services for young people aged 12-21 years and is delivered jointly by MYPAS, Midlothian Council and NHS Lothian School Nursing. The drop-in is accredited by Healthy Respect.
Young people can turn up without an appointment and can receive advice, information and services about sexual health and relationships, mental health, substance use and other aspects of health and wellbeing. Young people can access free condoms as the drop-in is part of the c:card service as well as pregnancy testing. Staff can also refer young people onto specialist services including counselling and drugs and alcohol support.
Newbattle health and wellbeing drop-in, The Nurture Room, Newbattle Community High School, Newbattle Way, Easthouses, Dalkeith EH22 4SX