Small Charity Challenge 2021 – Fundraise for MYPAS.
Small Charity Week is taking place between 14th-19th June 2021. Localgiving is hosting the Small Charity Week Challenge which will start on Fundraising Day Thursday 17th June and run until Wednesday 23rd June. MYPAS is taking part this year to raise much needed funds to support our Therapeutic Services and our Youth Work Services. YOU CAN DONATE TO MYPAS HERE. This…
Funding Success – MYPAS Family Counselling
MYPAS has been awarded funding to provide Family Counselling Services in Midlothian to young people aged 12-18 and their families. This funding, awarded by Midlothian’s Community Support and Services Framework and provided by the Scottish Government aims to support good mental health & wellbeing for Midlothian’s children and young people. Children and young people in…
MYPAS is recruiting. Counsellor (Young People) East Lothian and Midlothian
Thanks to our fabulous Kiltwalkers, the Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust and The Russell Trust, MYPAS is recruiting a new Community Counsellor (East Lothian and Midlothian). This position will add important additional capacity to our free, confidential and non-judgemental Counselling Service for young people (aged 12 to 18). This service is open access meaning that anyone,…
MYPAS Secures Multi-Year Funding for LGBT+ Service
MYPAS receives a multi-year National Lottery award from The National Lottery Community Fund to support young LGBT+ people of East Lothian and Midlothian. Local charity MYPAS is celebrating today after being awarded £150,000 in National Lottery funding to support its work with LGBT+ young people in East Lothian and Midlothian for a 3 year period.…
Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 Roundup
As Mental Health Awareness Week draws to a close we wanted to reflect and roundup our blogs this week. This week has been a great opportunity for reflection, to talk and to support one another during a mentally challenging period. Connecting with nature can help us to feel calm and bring a bit more perspective…
Mental Health Awareness Week. Day 4 – Walking and Talking in Nature
The Pandemic has affected how we, as Counsellors, interact with the young people we work with. We haven’t been able to meet young people indoors at our office in Dalkeith and or visit other buildings such as schools to continue our work. We quickly shifted to online and telephone working and it was a transition…
Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 – Day 3 Top Tips
There’s a lot of good research to support the role nature can play in protecting and supporting our mental health. For many of us though, ‘being in nature’ may not be as easy as it sounds. The good news is, you don’t have to climb a mountain to feel the benefit – there are…
Mental Health Awareness Week – Sara’s Nature Blog
As a family counsellor, trees hold a special meaning for me and feature strongly in my work. I often use trees as a metaphor for family. The roots might represent the past, the trunk the present and the branches in all their glory, the future. We use family trees to map out families past and present…
Mental Health Awareness Week 10th-16th of May 2021
Robin Spivey, MYPAS School Counsellor (Midlothian School Counselling Team) shares his thoughts on walking in nature and how this helps his health and wellbeing, especially on difficult days. I started walking every day a few years ago when my first son was born as often it was the only way that he could settle to…
Kiltwalk Success!
You did it! During the weekend of the 23rd to the 25th of April 2021, 45 amazing Kiltwalkers from across Scotland undertook socially-distanced challenges to raise much needed funds for MYPAS. During that sunny weekend, adults, young people, children (and babies) walked, cycled, toddled or ran in their local areas as part of the 2021…
Recent Posts
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- World Book Day • To support young people with their emotional wellbeing and mental health
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- The Edinburgh Kiltwalk 2025 entries are now open!