• Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 – Anxiety

    Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 – Anxiety

    What is anxiety? Anxiety could be seen as an emotion or sensation. It could be defined as fear, a feeling of unease, or a bodily reaction to stress or threat. It could be that the experience is never quite captured in words. You might feel worried and not really know why. You might feel scared…

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  • Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

    Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

    Why you don’t need to have a diagnosable mental health condition to benefit from counselling. If you’re a social media user, even just occasionally, you might just have noticed that much of the content we see on these sites relates to mental health and wellbeing. Some of this content is really helpful and informative and,…

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  • Nitrous Oxide: the risks are not to be laughed at

    Nitrous Oxide: the risks are not to be laughed at

    Nitrous Oxide (more commonly known as Laughing Gas) is in the news. Once again, a high profile English Premiership footballer has been photographed appearing to inhale what appears to be Nitrous Oxide from a balloon. More importantly, however, is the UK Government’s announcement that Nitrous Oxide is due to be banned for illicit use. It…

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  • MYPAS Fundraising Bluebell Trail Run

    MYPAS Fundraising Bluebell Trail Run

    Tickets on sale now! MYPAS Bluebell Trail Run Sunday 14th of May 2023 at Dalkeith Country Park. We are delighted to announce that tickets for our Bluebell Trail Run have been released. Please follow this link to buy your tickets for our 10K run, 5K run or junior 1K run: https://www.stuweb.co.uk/events/2023/05/14/4193/ Full information on our…

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  • Is it all about Christmas?

    Is it all about Christmas?

    It has been another tough year and all the talk about Christmas can be hard.  There are many shoulds, oughts and musts about this time of year – obligations, rules and requirements, but those demands do not always line up with how we feel and it can feel tough. There are a few things we…

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  • Just Breathe?

    Just Breathe?

    When we experience stress and anxiety or feel overwhelmed by anger or frustration probably the most common advice people will give is to “just breathe…” When you experience a stressful event, your body automatically goes into “flight, fight or freeze” mode. Your heart rate increases, your stomach stops digestion, and your breathing becomes more shallow.…

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  • Working with Containers in Art Psychotherapy

    Working with Containers in Art Psychotherapy

    An insight into one way Art Therapists work. All of us can relate to the feelings of being completely overwhelmed by a feeling or experience.  Usually this will pass after a day or two and we can understand what happened and why we felt the way we do. Sometimes though that feeling of being full-up,…

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  • It’s OK to feel your feelings.

    It’s OK to feel your feelings.

    Whatever your thoughts and feelings at this time, they are yours and they are just as valid, real and important as anyone else’s, even if they don’t seem to make sense. Over the next few weeks there will be extensive coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth II.  This will mean very different things to…

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  • No Judgement made here

    No Judgement made here

    Here at MYPAS, our counselling services are based on building a trusting relationship with you. Counselling can help you talk about your worries and help you to manage them in a supportive way. Our counsellors are trained to listen carefully and thoughtfully to you, without judgement. Our latest blog post comes from Jo, one of…

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  • Miles for MYPAS – Kiltwalk 2022. FREE places available

    Miles for MYPAS – Kiltwalk 2022. FREE places available

    The Kiltwalk is one of the biggest fundraising events in the Scottish calendar and is definitely one to tick off your bucket list! The Kiltwalk brings together walkers of all ages and abilities for an unforgettable fun day and returns to the Edinburgh on Sunday 18 September. We are asking members of our community to…

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