Job Advert – Project Workers (East Lothian Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service)
• Full time Project Worker (35 hours per week worked over 5 days) • Part time Project Worker (18 hours per week worked over 3 days) Salary: £29,585 – £31,321 pro rata New East Lothian Service MYPAS has been successful in gaining funding from Midlothian and East Lothian Drug and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP) to provide…
Job Advert – Cleaner
Cleaner 4 hours per week £17,474 pro-rata (£9.60 an hour) Contract initially until March 2020 (continuation dependent on funding) Based in Dalkeith, Midlothian. Midlothian Young Peoples Advice Service (MYPAS) requires a cleaner to clean its premises  in central Dalkeith. Further details can be sought from the Job Description. Cleaning would be ideally undertaken in…
MYPAS Fundraiser – Rosslyn Chapel and Heriot Watt University Chamber Choir
A Ceremony of Carols – Heriot Watt University Chamber Choir at Rosslyn Chapel November 30 @ 19:30 – 21:30 | £10 – £12 Heriot Watt University Chamber Choir will be performing Benjamin Britten’s stunningly beautiful A Ceremony of Carols in the atmospheric setting of Rosslyn Chapel. Performed by Excelsior per cantum, the chamber choir of Heriot-Watt…
New MDMA leaflet and poster launch
MYPAS launched its new MDMA resource at an event on 14th June 2019. The resource was designed to bust myths around MDMA and to provide information on how to reduce risks. The resource will be available for all S3 and S4 pupils throughout Midlothian and is available to download here as an electronic copy and…
Local artist fundraises for MYPAS
Local artist, Dave Wright has donated sales resulting from his recent art exhibition to MYPAS and raised £275. Dave said “Having liaised with Carlo Riccio at the Riccio Gallery we decided to mount an art exhibition in March, 2019. I called in a couple of other local artists, Newton Ross and Jim Hay, to join me in…
Pupils fundraise at Dalkeith High
The youth ambassadors at Dalkeith High recently held 5 events over 5 days in school aimed at raising awareness of mental health. They designed t-shirts with the logo #TalkDalkeith to help them stand out to other pupils, gave out love hearts with positive messages, blew bubbles in the playground (promoting deep breathing and relaxation), encouraged…
MYPAS Bluebell Trail Run 2019
Bluebell 5K and 10K Trail Run Sunday 28th April 2019 Dalkeith Country Park MYPAS is very pleased to announce the 2019 Bluebell 5K and 10K Trail Run. Last year saw 300 participants take part. This year the event is scheduled to be much much bigger! The event takes place in beautiful surroundings and was rated…
Happy 2nd Birthday MidYouth!!!
From the young people at MidYouth: “MidYouth celebrated its second birthday on the 29th of October with a night full of music, pumpkin carving, dooking and more! MidYouth first started on the 31st of October 2016. In these two years we have met weekly to be able to relax, meet new friends and discuss topics…
Venue Change! – Newbattle Drop-in – from 18th June
Newbattle Drop-in health and wellbeing drop-in will now be run every Monday from 18th June onwards at Newbattle Community High School The address is: The Nurture Room, Newbattle Community High School, Newbattle Way, Easthouses, Dalkeith EH22 4SX The drop-in times are still 3.30pm-5.30pm – EVERY MONDAY (even in holiday time) The drop-in exists to provide…
MYPAS is delighted to announce that it has been successful with a recent application to Young Start (delivered by the Big Lottery Fund) to expand its LGBTQ project – Midyouth. The new project will kick-off on 21st May 2018 with the start of the Youth Development Worker in post. The project is funded for two years. The…
Recent Posts
- World Book Day • To bring young people joy and comfort
- World Book Day • To support parents in supporting their teens
- World Book Day • To support young people with their emotional wellbeing and mental health
- Join us for the 2025 Bluebell Trail Run!
- The Edinburgh Kiltwalk 2025 entries are now open!