Midlothian Young People's Advice Service | Hide this site

Referring to and accessing MYPAS services

Young people in Midlothian can access MYPAS’ Art Therapy, Counselling, LGBT+ support, Drug and Alcohol Support and School Counselling.

Young people in East Lothian can access Community Counselling, School Counselling, LGBT+ support and Drug and Alcohol Support.

Referrals for our services can be made either by:

  • Contacting us directly. We will keep your communications confidential


  • Through your GP, teacher, social worker, parent/carer or other supportive adult

If you are making a referral on behalf of a young person please make sure they know about it, and agree to it being made, before you get in touch with us.

If you are a teacher referring for school counselling and you do not have the ‘School Counselling’ and consent forms please email enquiries@mypas.co.uk to request these in order to make the referral. Information on school counselling can be found here: Counselling for 10-18 year-olds | Educational Psychology | Midlothian Council

What happens when we receive a referral?

We will contact the young person to follow up on the referral submitted.

We aim to contact all young people within two weeks of referrals being made.

This is a chance for young people to meet a member of our staff and find out what we can do for them. It’s also an opportunity for us to find out which of our services might be best for them.

At present we carry these out by phone but these can happen at our offices in Dalkeith or Tranent, their school or a venue close to where they live.

Please note that some services have a waiting list. We will discuss this with you.