MYPAS Privacy Policy

MYPAS is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and the personal information you share with us.

This Privacy Notice outlines how we use your personal information whether you’re accessing one of our services, using our website, using our Digital Drop-in Service or making a referral. This Notice also explains your rights regarding collection of your personal information and how we protect that information in line with UK law.

Your Right to Privacy

We handle your personal information in accordance with your legal rights.

‘Personal information’ refers to any information that can be used to identify you. Personal information includes your name, home address, email address, phone number, date of birth or your IP address. It can also include ‘sensitive personal information’ including details of your physical or mental health, criminal offences, ethnic origin or religious beliefs.

As an organisation that collects, stores and handles personal information the following laws apply to us:

  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679
  • Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003
  • You can read more about your rights on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

How we Protect your Personal Information

When we ask you for personal information we’ll always explain why we need it. We only ask for what we need and always treat it as confidential.

We store it securely when we’re using it. We dispose of it securely using guidelines set in our Records Retention Policy.

When we use other companies to help provide a service, for example our online chat application for our Digital Drop-in, messaging service or video conferencing software, your information will be used by them too. Details on their Privacy Policies can be found here:

When you use our LiveChat or refer yourself or on behalf of a young person, we keep your personal information on secure databases, protected by passwords, encryption and firewalls.

Our policy on sharing this information

All of MYPAS’ services are free and confidential, so the personal information you provide directly to us will be kept between With You and you. We have policies on gathering consent and sharing information appropriately. We may share anonymised information in order to improve our services or report our activity.

MYPAS committed to keeping people safe, and this means that we may share your personal information with other appropriate organisations if we believe there’s a good reason to. We will let you know if we feel this is necessary, unless telling you would cause harm.

If you want to make a complaint to or about MYPAS, you can contact us directly to discuss this at If you are unsatisfied with how we have handled your complaint, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Services where MYPAS collects your Personal Information


MYPAS encourages referrals via email. This can be self-referral or a referral on behalf of a young person. There is no obligation to share the reasons why you would like to be referred to MYPAS. Once initial contact has been made via email, a follow up phone call will occur where we will inform you of your rights before we collect any information needed to progress that referral. Your information will be entered into MYPAS’ database. This system has multiple layers of security to ensure your information is protected by the highest levels of security.

Your information will be shared with staff to ensure you are referred to the service best suited to your needs. Only MYPAS management and that staff member has access to your information.

Digital Drop in

MYPAS provides a Digital Drop-in Service every Monday to Friday from 3:30pm-5:30pm. This is for young people aged 12-21 living in Midlothian and East Lothian. We provide this service to young people who do not have a referral to MYPAS as well as those young people engaging in our services currently.

If you use our Digital Drop-in Service, there is information that is visible to us, including your IP address, and your email and/or phone number should you choose to give it.

To record, use or share your personal information we must ask for your consent.

Our pop-up chat box will ask you to give your consent prior to starting the conversation. However, before we share any information we will again ask for your consent and explain why we need to share the information and with whom.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any point during the chat or afterwards. You can do so by either talking to the member of staff facilitating the chat or, if it is after the conversation, by emailing

If it is felt that there is immediate danger to you, or to another individual, we may share your IP address with the relevant emergency service. They will be able to trace the IP address back to the device that was used. We would only do this if there was real concern for your or another person’s immediate safety.

You can find more information on LiveChat’s policies here:

Privacy Policy (

Security (

Donating to MYPAS

MYPAS gratefully receives donations to support our work through a dedicated fundraising page hosted by JustGiving.

Information on JustGiving’s Privacy Policies can be found here: