Before you come for your first session with MYPAS, there are a few things it might be useful to know.
What’s the first session like?
The first session will be a chance to get to know the counsellor and for them to get to know you. They will explain our confidentiality policy, so that you know that what you tell them is private, except if there is the danger of harm to you or someone else. They will invite you to say as much as you would like to about what brings you into counselling, but they will let you do this at your own pace. At the end of the first session you will have a better idea of what counselling might be like for you. You can then take a little time to think it over, or even talk it over with a trusted adult about whether you wish to continue.
What are the regular sessions like?
If you decide to continue with the sessions, you have the option of working with us for up to 10 sessions. The sessions will be weekly, usually at the same time, and they will last up to 50 minutes. You will be in charge of what is talked about during your appointments. Sometimes you might have a lot to say. Sometimes you might not have much to say. At other times you might want to do something creative while you talk. It is important for you to know that you do not have to tell the counsellor anything you don’t want to.
What do counsellors do?
The job of a counsellor is to listen as carefully as possible to you, to try and understand your current situation. They will not judge you or give you advice. They will try to offer you a safe space to talk or work through what is going on for you, in the hope that through the sessions you will gain a better understanding of yourself, or the situations you find yourself in.
My parents/school wanted me to come to counselling – will you tell them what I say?
If someone else has suggested you come to counselling, it will be because they are aware that you may by struggling with something, or they are worried about you. They may give the counsellor some information about the reason you are coming. However, once you start working with the counsellor, it is your space, where you get to decide what you talk about or do. Everything you tell them will be private, unless you tell the counsellor something that leads them to believe your safety or someone else’ safety is in danger.
Does having counselling mean there’s something wrong with me?
Sometimes we all need support through difficult or challenging times, or with feelings that we struggle with. There are so many reasons that young people attend counselling, but it does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. Your counsellor will not judge you or anything you say. Their interest is in helping you gain a better understanding of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.