
4 hours per week

£17,474 pro-rata (£9.60 an hour)

Contract initially until March 2020 (continuation dependent on funding)

Based in Dalkeith, Midlothian.


Midlothian Young Peoples Advice Service (MYPAS) requires a cleaner to clean its premises  in central Dalkeith. Further details can be sought from the Job Description. Cleaning would be ideally undertaken in the early morning (starting  between 6am and 7am) and over two days – to be negotiated.


This post requires a flexible attitude and a willingness to adapt. It also requires the postholder to uphold the security and confidentiality of the organisation.


MYPAS promotes the health and wellbeing of young people across Midlothian and currently focuses on working in the areas of mental health and substance use. MYPAS is a community-based organisation with charitable status and based in Dalkeith, Midlothian.


Closing date for applications is Monday 30th September 2019.


For an application pack please phone MYPAS on 0131 454 0757 or e-mail


Midlothian Young Peoples Advice Service (MYPAS)

Promoting the health and wellbeing of young people in Midlothian

Company No: 201002, Scottish Charity No: SCO29543